Moments of memories: Beat-Club No.23 geht auf Sendung

Heute drehen wir die Zeitmaschine zurück. Am 25.08.1967 wurde die Beat-Club Sendung Nr.23 ausgestrahlt. Damals waren in dieser Sendung zu sehen und zu hören: MAZ: The Rolling Stones, The Latch, Scott McKenzie, Walker Brothers, Sonny&Cher, Marquis of Kensington, DDDBMT (Dave, Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich) Moderation:Uschi Nerke […]

Moments of memories: Rio Reiser (Ton Steine Scherben; Vocal, Piano, Guitar)

Heute erinnern wir uns an den 20.08.1996. An diesem Tag verstarb der großartige Künstler Rio Reiser.Alle verstorbenen Menschen hinterlassen Erinnerungen. Doch bei Rio Reiser bleibt noch etwas anderes. Die besondere Hingabe zur Musik, zur Kunst, zur Kreativität hat Rio Reiser zu dem gemacht, was er war. Ein einzigartiger […]

Das sind unsere Neuzugänge in unserem Webshop

Marc Bolan – DRH7C1Jim Morrison – DRH6AC1Jerry Garcia – DRH5AC1Ginger Baker – DRH150AC1 All arts by Ole Ohlendorff! Weitere Angebote sind in unserem Webshop „Point of Satisfaction“ zu finden unter: Fine-Art-Print ist nicht Dein Ding? Du möchtest lieber ein Original Gemälde von Ole Ohlendorff? Kein Problem. Wir freuen […]

Moments of memories: Ginger Baker (Cream, Ginger Bakers Airforce; Drums)

Ginger Baker was born on 19.08.1939. Today would have been the birthday of this fantastic artist. We remember this day, because this artist gave us his later music as a present. It was, it is, and it remains: true and alive, inspiring and comforting, curious and with joy […]

Moments of memories: Heiner Pudelko (Interzone; Vocal)

Heiner Pudelko was born on 18.08.1948. Today would have been the birthday of this fantastic artist. We remember this day, because this artist gave us his later music as a present. It was, it is, and it remains: true and alive, inspiring and comforting, curious and with joy […]

Moments of memories: Luther Allison (Guitar, Vocal)

Luther Allison was born on 17.08.1939. Today would have been the birthday of this fantastic artist. We remember this day, because this artist gave us his later music as a present. It was, it is, and it remains: true and alive, inspiring and comforting, curious and with joy […]