Continuously you give us presents with your inspiring music and touch us with it. It is and remains: true and alive, inspiring and comforting, curiously remaining and with joy in life. Ole Ohlendorff uses exactly this impulse to immortalize you as one of the special musicians in the Rock Legends Alive series. Your portrait creates a special visual and emotional bond. Music and feelings for the eyes. Passing on the fire!
Ole Ohlendorff online:
Artist Agent:
Are you interested in the art of Ole Ohlendorff? You would like to present these portraits in an exhibition or event? A portrait never lets you go and you would like to acquire it? Whether original or Fine-Art-Print we are at your disposal and will look for a suitable solution for you. The best way to do so is to use the contact form on our website: https://combiful.com/contact.
We are looking forward to your inquiry.
Point of Satisfaction:
#CharlieWatts #TheRollingStones #momentsofmemories #oleohlendorff #ohlendorffart #deadrockheads #DRH #rocklegendsalive #RLA #combiful #exhibition #kunstausstellung #art #kunst #halloffame #artwork #POS #pointofsatisfaction #gallery #event #cruise #BeatClub #BeatClubTheStory #JörgSonntag #RadioBremen #Entertainment #Rockliner #Show #artmarketing #artpr
Copyright of Art & Picture: Ole Ohlendorff