Alexis Korner was born on 18.04.1928. Today would have been the birthday of this fantastic artist. We remember this day, because this artist gave us his later music as a present. It was, it is, and it remains: true and alive, inspiring and comforting, curious and with joy of life.
This is exactly the impulse for Ole Ohlendorff to give all these special deceased artists a visual and emotional connection with his portraits from the Dead Rock Heads series. Music and feelings for the eyes. The passing on of the fire!
Ole Ohlendorff online:
And also in honor to the deceased musician (Rock Star) Alexis Korner by Ulf Krüger
The Magic Of A Tale – Spilling the beans
Emotional, unbelievable to funny, these are the stories that Ole Ohlendorff has received for the project „The Magic Of A Tale“ from his friends and companions from the music universe. Tales make their way into the ears of the children. But also the grown-ups enjoy to hear touching stories and to feel them. Paired with music and the artwork of the Dead Rock Heads series in front of the eyes, a very special symbiosis is created. Memories of the past or also recently experienced things from the present are awakened to new life. Thus, „The Magic Of A Tale“ fuses memory culture and a generation-spanning attitude to life in an intensive way.
Thank you, dear Ulf Krüger, for your touching story about the Dead Rock Star (musician) Alexis Korner.
„The Magic Of A Tale“ can be experienced exclusively and only at Ole Ohlendorff’s exhibitions.
Are you interested in the art of Ole Ohlendorff? You would like to present these portraits in an exhibition or event? A portrait never lets you go and you would like to acquire it? Whether original or Fine-Art-Print we are at your disposal and will look for a suitable solution for you. The best way to do so is to use the contact form on our website: https://combiful.com/contact.
We are looking forward to your inquiry.
#alexiskorner #inmemoriam #oleohlendorff #ohlendorffart #deadrockheads #rocklegendsalive #combiful #exhibition #art #kunst #halloffame #artwork #gallery #event #Entertainment #Show #deadrockstars #deceasedstars #diedstars #tmoat #themagicofatale
Art: Ole Ohlendorff
PAX: Ulf Krüger
Creation: Picnetics