Nick Drake by Ole Ohlendorff
Nick Drake was born on 19.06.1948. Today would have been the birthday of this fantastic artist. We remember this day, because this artist gave us his later music as a present. It was, it is, and it remains: true and alive, inspiring and comforting, curious and with joy of life.
This is exactly the impulse for Ole Ohlendorff to give all these special deceased artists a visual and emotional connection with his portraits from the Dead Rock Heads series. Music and feelings for the eyes. The passing on of the fire!
Ole Ohlendorff online:
#nickdrake #inmemoriam #oleohlendorff #ohlendorffart #deadrockheads #rocklegendsalive #combiful #exhibition #art #kunst #halloffame #artwork #gallery #event #Entertainment #Show #deadrockstars #deceasedstars #diedstars #tmoat #themagicofatale
Copyright of Art & Picture: Ole Ohlendorff