The Magic Of A Tale – Spilling the beans
Emotional, unbelievable to funny, these are the stories that Ole Ohlendorff has received for the project „The Magic Of A Tale“ from his friends and companions from the music universe. Tales make their way into the ears of the children. But also the grown-ups enjoy to hear touching stories and to feel them. Paired with music and the artwork of the Dead Rock Heads series in front of the eyes, a very special symbiosis is created. Memories of the past or also recently experienced things from the present are awakened to new life. Thus, „The Magic Of A Tale“ fuses memory culture and a generation-spanning attitude to life in an intensive way.
Thank you, dear Henning Venske, for your touching story about Johnny Clegg.
„The Magic Of A Tale“ can be experienced exclusively and only at Ole Ohlendorff’s exhibitions.
#oleohlendorff #ohlendorffart #deadrockheads #themagicofatale #tmoat #spillingthebeans #rocklegendsalive #combiful #johnnyclegg #savuka #henningvenske
Johnny Clegg by Henning Venske
The Magic Of A Tale – Spilling the beans
Emotional, unbelievable to funny, these are the stories that Ole Ohlendorff has received for the project „The Magic Of A Tale“ from his friends and companions from the music universe. Tales make their way into the ears of the children. But also the grown-ups enjoy to hear touching stories and to feel them. Paired with music and the artwork of the Dead Rock Heads series in front of the eyes, a very special symbiosis is created. Memories of the past or also recently experienced things from the present are awakened to new life. Thus, „The Magic Of A Tale“ fuses memory culture and a generation-spanning attitude to life in an intensive way.
Thank you, dear Henning Venske, for your touching story about Johnny Clegg.
„The Magic Of A Tale“ can be experienced exclusively and only at Ole Ohlendorff’s exhibitions.
Photocredit: Picnetics