Chris Cornell was born on 20.07.1964. Today would have been the birthday of this fantastic artist. We remember this day, because this artist gave us his later music as a present. It was, it is, and it remains: true and alive, inspiring and comforting, curious and with joy of life.
This is exactly the impulse for Ole Ohlendorff to give all these special artists a visual and emotional connection with his portraits from the Dead Rock Heads series. Music and feelings for the eyes. The passing on of the fire!
Ole Ohlendorff online:
Artist Agent:
Are you interested in the art of Ole Ohlendorff? You would like to present these portraits in an exhibition or event? A portrait never lets you go and you would like to acquire it? Whether original or Fine-Art-Print we are at your disposal and will look for a suitable solution for you. The best way to do so is to use the contact form on our website: https://combiful.com/contact.
We are looking forward to your inquiry.
Point of Satisfaction:
#ChrisCornell #Soundgarden #momentsofmemories #oleohlendorff #ohlendorffart #deadrockheads #DRH #rocklegendsalive #RLA #combiful #exhibition #kunstausstellung #art #kunst #halloffame #artwork #POS #pointofsatisfaction #gallery #event #cruise #BeatClub #BeatClubTheStory #JörgSonntag #RadioBremen #Entertainment #Rockliner #Show #DRH25
Copyright of Art & Picture: Ole Ohlendorff