„Rock Legends – Dead & Alive“ der Katalog von Ole Ohlendorff

Point of Satisfaction – The Art Store of Ole Ohlendorff:Ole Ohlendorff Katalog – Rock Legends Dead & Alive Dead Rock Heads – Serie Rock Legends Alive – Serie Hochglanz Premium 68 Seiten (vom Cover bis zur Rückseite) Format: 21cm x 21cm Texte in Deutsch und Englisch Ausgabe/Stand 10.2020 […]

In memoriam: Prince (Vocal, Guitar)

Today we remember the 21.04.2016. On this day the great artist Prince died.All deceased people leave behind memories. But with Prince there is still something else. The special devotion to music, to art, to creativity has made Prince what he was. A unique artist, who left us an […]

Im memoriam: Steve Marriott (Small Faces; Vocal, Guitar)

Today we remember the 20.04.1991. On this day the great artist Steve Marriott died.All deceased people leave behind memories. But with Steve Marriott there is still something else. The special devotion to music, to art, to creativity has made Steve Marriott what he was. A unique artist, who […]

Moments of memories: Esbjörn Svensson (Esbjörn Svensson Trio; Piano)

Am 16.04.1964 wurde Esbjörn Svensson geboren. Heute wäre der Geburtstag dieses fantastischen Künstlers gewesen. Wir erinnern an diesen Tag, da uns dieser Künstler seine spätere Musik geschenkt hat. Sie war, sie ist, und sie bleibt: wahr und lebendig, inspirierend und tröstend, neugierig bleiben und mit Freude am Leben.Genau […]

Moments of memories: Joey Ramone (The Ramones; Vocal)

Today we remember the 15.04.2001. On this day the great artist Joey Ramone died.All deceased people leave behind memories. But with Joey Ramone there is still something else. The special devotion to music, to art, to creativity has made Joey Ramone what he was. A unique artist, who […]

Moments of memories: Lowell George (Little Feat; Vocal, Guitar)

Lowell George was born on 13.04.1945. Today would have been the birthday of this fantastic artist. We remember this day, because this artist gave us his later music as a present. It was, it is, and it remains: true and alive, inspiring and comforting, curious and with joy […]