Moments of memories: Bon Scott (AC/DC; Vocal)

Today we remember the 19.02.1980. On this day the great artist Bon Scott died.All deceased people leave behind memories. But with Bon Scott there is still something else. The special devotion to music, to art, to creativity has made Bon Scott what he was. A unique artist, who […]

Moments of memories: Bernd „Nossi“ Noske (Birth Control; Drums, Vocal)

Today we remember the 18.02.2014. On this day the great artist Bernd „Nossi“ Noske died.All deceased people leave behind memories. But with Bernd „Nossi“ Noske there is still something else. The special devotion to music, to art, to creativity has made Bernd „Nossi“ Noske what he was. A […]

Moments of memories: Ray Manzarek (The Doors; Organ, Vocal)

Moments of memories: Ray Manzarek (The Doors; Organ, Vocal) Ray Manzarek was born on 12.02.1939. Today would have been the birthday of this fantastic artist. We remember this day, because this artist gave us his later music as a present. It was, it is, and it remains: true […]

Moments of memories: Brian Connolly (The Sweet; Vocal)

Today we remember the 10.02.1997. On this day the great artist Brian Connolly died.All deceased people leave behind memories. But with Brian Connolly there is still something else. The special devotion to music, to art, to creativity has made Brian Connolly what he was. A unique artist, who […]

Valentinstag Glücksmomente für Verliebte

Das besondere Angebot vom Café Barmbeker Herzstück, mitten im Zentrum von Hamburg-Barmbek! Alexandra Lübeck, Inhaberin vom Barmbeker Herzstück, war die erste Gastronomin, die begeistert bei der Lockdown Aktion #USFEK – „Unser Schaufenster für Eure Kunst“, nach einer Idee des Eventprofis Hanno Maack (combiful GmbH), teilnahm. Nach Beendigung dieser […]

Moments of memories: Alex Harvey (The Sensational Alex Harvey Band; Vocal, Guitar)

Moments of memories: Alex Harvey (The Sensational Alex Harvey Band; Vocal, Guitar) Alex Harvey was born on 05.02.1935. Today would have been the birthday of this fantastic artist. We remember this day, because this artist gave us his later music as a present. It was, it is, and […]