Norman Keil – Meine Person – Neue Single

+ + Release Day + + + Im luftleeren Raum – gefangen seit Jahrenmach die Augen zu – ich und du bist meine Personauch wenn das doof klingt du bist meine Personauch wenn das komisch klingt Im Schwebezustand ohne Zuständigkeitmach die Augen zu – ich und du du […]

Norman Keil widmet Elvis-Porträt seinen Song

Norman Keil widmet Ole Ohlendorff´s Elvis Presley-Gemälde seinen Song The Magic of a Tale: Elvis is King! Der weit bekannte freischaffende Künstler Ole Ohlendorff hat sich mit seinen Portraits „Dead Rock Heads“ (#DRH) national wie international einen Namen gemacht. Er schuf mit der wohl weltweit größten Serie dieser […]

In memoriam: Alexis Korner (Vocal, Guitar)

Alexis Korner was born on 18.04.1928. Today would have been the birthday of this fantastic artist. We remember this day, because this artist gave us his later music as a present. It was, it is, and it remains: true and alive, inspiring and comforting, curious and with joy […]

The deceased musician Syd Barrett by Dr Monika Griefahn

The Magic Of A Tale – Spilling the beans Emotional, unbelievable to funny, these are the stories that Ole Ohlendorff has received for the project „The Magic Of A Tale“ from his friends and companions from the music universe. Tales make their way into the ears of the […]

The deceased musician Yngve Moe by Wolfram Hänel

The Magic Of A Tale – Spilling the beans Emotional, unbelievable to funny, these are the stories that Ole Ohlendorff has received for the project „The Magic Of A Tale“ from his friends and companions from the music universe. Tales make their way into the ears of the […]

Ronnie James Dio by Ronny Munroe

The Magic Of A Tale – Spilling the beans Emotional, unbelievable to funny, these are the stories that Ole Ohlendorff has received for the project „The Magic Of A Tale“ from his friends and companions from the music universe. Tales make their way into the ears of the […]